“In this world,” Ben Franklin famously once wrote, “nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” While that's true, I also would argue that neither is completely out of your hands. There are ways to make each less bad. When it comes to your health, we all know that we should exercise, [...]
Relatively normal
Ted Benna, the inventor of the 401(k) retirement plan, famously once stated that the system he created should be “blown up.” Why? It's not the fundamental structure, which he still believes in. What he doesn't like is the complexity and the costs that characterize today's typical 401(k). The [...]
A smart move
In August of 2004, Silicon Valley venture capitalist Peter Thiel sat down to listen to a pitch from a 20-year-old entrepreneur named Mark Zuckerberg. It didn't take long for Thiel to make up his mind. According to most accounts, they met in the morning and, after a short break for lunch, Thiel [...]