Albert Einstein once said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." When it comes to investing, I have always believed that the simplest approach is the best approach. But, in recent years, a new type of investment has, I believe, crossed over into the “too simple” [...]
The value of alternatives
A few days ago the stock market again hit a new all-time high. But instead of feeling unalloyed glee, many investors seem to be struggling with mixed emotions. They are, of course, thrilled at their gains. But at the same time, they are hesitant to invest further into a market that has already [...]
The Lopez twins and your retirement
If you're a basketball fan, you may be familiar with the Lopez twins—Brook and Robin. On the surface, they are identical in every way. Both stand seven feet tall. Both went to Stanford University. Both entered the NBA draft in 2008, and both were picked in the first round. Since then, both have [...]
How smart?
Sometimes we don't give kids enough credit. Yesterday, my first-grader reminded me of this fact. On a trip to CVS, he was looking through the drink cooler when he asked “what's smartwater?” But, before I could answer, he started with his own commentary. Seeing the price tag — which was more than [...]
Relatively normal
Ted Benna, the inventor of the 401(k) retirement plan, famously once stated that the system he created should be “blown up.” Why? It's not the fundamental structure, which he still believes in. What he doesn't like is the complexity and the costs that characterize today's typical 401(k). The [...]