Earlier this week the president took to Twitter with his financial outlook for 2018: “All signs are that business is looking really good for next year...Stock Market is poised for another year of SUCCESS!” While a tenth straight year of stock market gains would be unprecedented, I don't think any [...]

Hammer time
I have to confess that I've never been a big fan of Victorian-era, long, plodding novels. However, Charles Dickens's David Copperfield, published in 1850, contains a piece of timeless wisdom that I'd like to share with you. The book's central character is named Wilkins Micawber. A man with a [...]

The downsizing decision
Are you considering downsizing? In this US News article, I share my thoughts on the topic: https://money.usnews.com/investing/investing-101/articles/2017-08-28/4-tips-for-investors-who-downsize [...]

Charlie’s story
Statistics are just statistics until you meet someone who is one of those statistics. And that's when you really understand an issue. Recently I met a fellow — I'll call him Charlie — who told me a heartbreaking story about his daughter and new son-in-law. I share their story because their [...]

Social Security: tall tales and facts
When you were growing up, did you ever hear stories like this? "If you swallow gum, it will stay in your stomach for seven years." "If you keep making that face, it will freeze that way." "If you drink coffee, it will stunt your growth." "If you watch too much TV, your eyes will turn square." In [...]